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Christmas in Italy - Wikipedia Christmas in Italy (Italian: Natale, Italian: [naˈtaːle]) begins on 8 December, with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the day on which traditionally the Christmas tree is mounted and ends on 6 January, of the following year with the Epiphany (Italian: Epifania, Italian: [epifaˈniːa]), [2] and in some areas female puppets are burned on a p
Babbo Natale: The Italian Santa Claus - Life in Italy Babbo Natale stands as a symbol of joy, generosity, and the magic of Christmas in Italy The fusion of ancient folklore and modern traditions has given rise to a character who captivates the hearts of children and adults alike
Buon Natale! Italian Christmas Traditions Guide You may know “Buon Natale!” means Merry Christmas in Italian, but do you know Italian Christmas traditions? The Italian festive season is tied to traditional Catholic holidays, even though religious observances aren’t as common as in the past
Italian Word of the Day: Natale (Christmas) - Daily Italian Words Outside of the Christmas sphere, natale is predominantly used as an adjective meaning “of one’s birth” or “native” as in the terms città natale (hometown), paese natale (native land) and anno natale (birth year)
Merry Christmas in Italian (Buon Natale) – Pronunciation . . . Buon Natale is the most common Italian phrase used to wish someone a Merry Christmas The Italian term natale comes from the Latin natalem (birth), as part of the sentence natālem Christi (day of birth of Christ)
Babbo Natale – All About Italy’s Santa Claus - Mom In Italy Babbo Natale is the Italian equivalent of Santa Claus in English-speaking countries All these similar figures derive mainly from the same historical figure: St Nicholas, bishop of Myra (today Demre, a city in modern-day Turkey)