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Book Review: ‘Inverno,’ by Cynthia Zarin - The New York Times Inverno is the Italian word for winter, and the novel begins with a woman named Caroline standing in the snow in Central Park She is waiting for Alastair, a man she first came to love 30 years
Winter - Wikipedia It occurs after autumn and before spring The tilt of Earth's axis causes seasons; winter occurs when a hemisphere is oriented away from the Sun Different cultures define different dates as the start of winter, and some use a definition based on weather When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in the Southern Hemisphere, and
The seasons in Italian: learn easily their names . . . The names of the four seasons in Italian are: Primavera = Spring Estate = summer Autunno = Autumn Fall Inverno = winter Together, they are called ‘ Le Quattro Stagioni’, which is Italian for ‘The Four Seasons’ and also the name of Vivaldi’s masterpiece! Primavera lasts from 21st-March to 21st June
INVERNO - Translation in English - bab. la Infatti si stava ritirando in inverno, perché è un ghiacciaio malato more_vert It was retreating through the winter because it's an unhealthy glacier La primavera araba sta volgendo verso l'autunno e sta per trasformarsi nell' inverno more_vert The Arab Spring is heading into fall and is moving into winter